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Who we are

AC Servicios Calle Marqués de San Esteban 46 1º oficina 3. 33026 Gijón. Teléfono/Fax: 985 17 24 77 clic para acceder a web de AC Servicios
AC SERVICIOS® is a company that operates in the field of health and social services, and within its area of consulting, it concentrates on studying and proposing improvements in the sector, seeking to optimize the services provided through efficiency in the methods and efficiency in the management and profitability of the companies, in addition to development of the sector in general.

AC SERVICIOS® works for the various public administrations as well as for companies and private individuals.

Imagen certificados
The values of the company are based on quality (ISO 9001 certified), a strict code of ethics (first company in the health and social services sector in Asturias to be ascribed to the United Nations Global Pact), and technological and process innovation.

Home care assistance and Care for children

AC SERVICIOS® offers comprehensive home care services for the elderly, disabled and for children, applying a system of work based on documented procedures and a strict control and monitoring of the service.

Management of centers

AC SERVICIOS® is a company that specializes in the management of public and private care centers:
· Residential Geriatric
· Day and Night Centers
· Early Childhood Care
· Nursery schools and
  Recreation rooms

Training and recruitment of staff

Specialized training courses in the health and social services sector, specifically designed for:
· Staff members at the
  center: annual and
· Companies and private
· Professionals working
  in the sector


Consulting services in management, methodology and providing home care assistance, as well as consulting for residences, day and night centers, early childhood care centers, nursery schools and recreation rooms.


We detect needs or deficiencies and we study ways for improvement. We propose and develop solutions that enable improving the management and service in the health and social services sector.

This area of innovation has already witnessed the development of some very important projects:
Methodology and processes
Remote system of management and control of Personal Care Plans